Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Notice there is only one 'A'. So this is definitely not about Auro. I am talking about Paranormal Activity. First thing, don't watch this movie in theater (at least not in Pune). If that is not possible, book the entire show. The movie is definitely a must watch, but there is good chance that a mighty horde of stupid assholes is sitting just next to you. If the previous statement hurt your sensibilities, please stop reading this post right now. A lot more shit's gonna come. So back to stupid assholes. Here are a couple of principle categories I encountered

1) Ohh I am so hep category: I laugh at every scene, even when it has nothing to laugh about. Am I shit scared? Probably yes. Also my parents have taught me how to dress, and sent me to super fundoo (TM) English school, but they just missed a little bit on basic manners. So I keep giggling and explaining shit to my friend who is probably just as stupid even after I have been asked multiple times (and by different people) to shut the f*** up. I also use the f word a lot (makes me more hep, at least I think so).

2) The guy sitting next to me is blind (or I'll just assume so) category: Are wo dekh daewaje pe shadow. Dude, is your friend blind? I don't think so. Plus I (also sitting next to you) am neither dumb, nor blind. I can see and I can understand. Let me repeat, coz you never get it the first time. I can see and I can understand. Now shut the f*** up.

There are more. They are not half as bad, but still annoying enough to deserve a mention.

1) I'll put an interval in 90 mins movie, so that I can sell more popcorns.
2) I have a ticket, so I'll travel, in and out of theater, any moment I want. That is definitely OK with something like Wanted, not here.

OK, that's enough blah blah. (anybody still with me?). Let me (at last) say something about the movie. Must watch. Chances are, you'll be genuinely scared at least a couple of times. But you will probably be better off watching it alone in your room with your headphones on.



  1. yea...a nice movie! (i loved the critter part..those buggers deserve it :)
    A must must must watch! big screen if posi...else loud music and a dark room..wud do wonders!

  2. I quite understand the way you've been made to feel pissed off coz of the crowd - sadly as a people, we have least manners in a public place

    Thanks for the review though, I surely will catch up on PA!

  3. Haha... dude i guess u were really pissed off with the ones around u .. :)
    Well happens, and if its a horror movie then it usually happens when ppl try to act kool just to show that they aint getting scared ..
    But in between of all that fruatration u missed out on reviewing the movie ... :)
