Sunday, November 15, 2009


Had great expectations from this one! Luck favored us with seats at screen 5, which is the biggest at E2 and this movie demands it. The story is as usual, I mean non-existent, but that bothered me in the least (in other words, it did not bother me at all). The special effects are so mind bogglingly awesome that I would've put up with any crap anyway. You might be aware of the theme, the end of Mayan calendar and the end days on 21 December 2012. In the movie, solar neutrinos start to heat up earth's core which also coincides with an alignment of all the planets that happens every 640,000 years. Wah! A scene seemed to suggest that dinos went extinct in the last round, but dinos actually went extinct 65 million years ago, which is 65,000,000. Anyway. Let's not go there. The movie is a must must watch if you care a teeny weeny bit about the eye candy. And just for the record, I would have preferred space ships.

On a different but not unrelated note (and this could be considered a spoiler, so you might want to stop reading), not all of the earth is destroyed. Of course the directors thought not many people would be willing to put up with such a pessimistic outcome, but many good SF stories have gone there and were well received (e.g. Childhood's End by Arthur Clark). I wonder why the movie medium does not explore it? [An inherent bias between reading public and movie going public? I don't know]. Minor earthquakes were felt in Pune the same day, I wonder if they made the movie that much real for any of us. So dude (or dudette), Run! We all have a limited amount of time in this wonderful place (n = 3yrs and 37 days approx if you go by the movie). Make the most of it! [I beleive the former statement applies for all values n takes].


1 comment:

  1. sure..I had goosebumps thruout the entire movie...
    a nice srry must watch..
    and yes, I could have lessened the 'getting worried' factor if I hadn't recvd intimations of an earthquake while watching the movie :)
